La Mission du Peuple de Dieu
Peoples Church of God Missions - Haïti
more than survival
promoting educational & community transformation

Where will be staying?
You’ll be staying in the home(s) of some local church leaders and their families.
Is it safe?
Pont-Sonde is a relatively un-eventful community of hard-working men, women and children. We will be moving in groups and pairs, practicing safety habits much as you would in any city.
Will we have time to sight-see?
Yes, we’ll make sure you have time to get to see various parts of L’Artibonite, major towns and a1-2day excursion into Port-au-Prince, the nation’s capital, where you can get beautiful Haitian art and artifacts for your friends and family back home.
What about hygiene and 7-11’s?
There are definitely no 711’s, Walgreens or Walmarts. You will need to make sure to bring non-negotiables with you (women)/medication-type/toiletries. Make sure to refer to our Packing Guide in the Prep section of the website.
Can I Drink the Water?
No. Your tummies aren’t used to it. Filtered water will be provided for you at all times.
For more FAQ's please email:
or call 1.647.859.9783